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Koral Kingdom

Elegance coral XL over 10 inches long when expanded!

Elegance coral XL over 10 inches long when expanded!

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This Elegance coral is very large!  over 10 inches when expanded!

Elegance corals are a beautiful addition to any aquarium due to their striking appearance and gentle swaying movements. In this blog, we will cover what elegance corals are, what their care requirements are, and how to maintain their health in your aquarium.

What are elegance corals?

Elegance corals, also known as Catalaphyllia jardinei, are a species of large polyp stony (LPS) coral that originates from the shallow waters of the Indo-Pacific region. These corals have a distinctive appearance, with long, flowing tentacles and a fleshy, colorful oral disc that serves as their mouth.

One of the most unique features of elegance corals is their ability to inflate themselves with water, giving them a bulbous, rounded appearance. This inflation is a natural behavior and usually occurs in response to changes in water conditions or the presence of food.

Caring for elegance corals

Elegance corals are relatively hardy and easy to care for, making them a popular choice among beginner and experienced aquarists alike. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind when caring for your elegance corals:

Water parameters: Elegance corals prefer a water temperature between 72-78°F (22-26°C) and a salinity level between 1.023-1.025. They also require a moderate to high water flow to keep their tentacles swaying and their oral disc clean.

Lighting: Elegance corals require moderate to high lighting levels to thrive, but they should be acclimated slowly to any new lighting conditions to avoid stress and potential damage to their tissues.

Feeding: Elegance corals are primarily photosynthetic, meaning they obtain much of their nutrition from the symbiotic algae that live within their tissues. However, they also require supplemental feeding in the form of small meaty foods such as mysis shrimp, krill, or brine shrimp. Feed them once or twice a week to maintain their health.

Water quality: As with any coral, maintaining good water quality is crucial for the health of elegance corals. Ensure that your aquarium has appropriate filtration, protein skimming, and regular water changes to keep nitrate and phosphate levels low.

Maintenance: Elegance corals do not require any special maintenance beyond regular water changes and occasional feeding. However, keep an eye out for signs of stress or illness such as tissue recession, color loss, or changes in behavior.

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