Collection: Acans

Acans, also known as Acanthophyllia, are one of many large polyp stony (LPS) coral you can find at Koral Kingdom. Acan coral is a heartier variety of LPS and can grow in most tank sizes, which makes it a perfect addition to anyone with intermediate to advanced experience. When adding an Acans to your tank, be sure to give your frag room to grow into the surrounding areas, and that no other corals are touching the acan frag (acans tend to be a little aggressive to other coral). It’s also important to remember you provide your Acanthophyllia coral with proper lighting—i.e. gentle to moderate lighting—and water flow. For additional information on keeping your acan coral, check out our Process page. Shop the Acanthophyllia for sale online in a wide range of gorgeous colors that can add that pop of vibrancy every tank needs.

Acan Coral – Your Newest Saltwater Tank Specimen

A staple for any coral reef tank, acanthophyllia coral (or acans for short) can come in hundreds of different color combinations and is perfect for beginners and advanced reef aquarists alike.

Acanthophyllia coral is generally hardy and relatively easy to care for. However, you'll still need to do your research and find some good acan coral care tips if you're thinking about buying a frag. While we can't get into all the details, we can provide you with some good general information to ensure your acans coral stays healthy and thriving in your tank.


The best placement for the acanthophyllia for sale here at Koral Kingdom is a location with moderate water flow and moderate light intensity. Too much water flow or light can easily damage acan coral. But the real challenge comes when you have to think about your other corals. Before anything, you have to make sure you place acanthophyllia coral in a spot where it has room to grow. We suggest you leave at least 4 to 6-inches between your acans and neighboring corals. Remember, most corals are aggressive creatures and need to defend what little space they have. Acan coral in specific comes equipped with nasty sweeper tentacles that can be damaging to your other tank inhabitants.


Acan coral is photosynthetic, meaning they get some nutrition and energy from the zooxanthella that lives in their tissue. They also can get some nutrients from your water column. However, this isn't enough to sustain your acanthophyllia coral – they're carnivores. This means you need to feed your acan coral meat to keep them healthy and thriving. When they're ready to feed, acan coral will extend their polyps to capture prey. They enjoy copepods, chopped seafood, artemia and even commercial food like flakes and pellets. As long as their tentacles can catch it, acan coral will be able to eat once or twice a week and remain healthy.


While they can be pretty dangerous to other coral, acanthophyllia are good tank mates if given enough space. Remember, 4 to 6-inches is the general rule of thumb (that's as far their sweeper tentacles can reach). You should provide an exception if you plan to keep your acan coral with soft leather corals – that's when we get into chemical warfare territory. Activated carbon and water changes will be able to protect your acans from the chemicals soft corals produce to inhibit coral growth.

When it comes to non-coral inhabitants, you don't want to keep fish that like to peck at fleshy polyps in your tank. Damselfish are some of the biggest offenders when it comes to killing acanthophyllia, so we suggest you stay as far away from them as possible. The reef-safe fish who will leave acan coral alone include:

• Clownfish

• Firefish

• Tangs

• Cardinalfish

• Basslets

  • Shop Koral Kingdom for Your Acan Coral Today

    Koral Kingdom is your one-stop shop for acanthophyllia for sale online. Our dedicated team of expert reef aquarists takes special care to propagate each acan coral frag to ensure it's healthy and thriving when it arrives on your doorstep – you'll just need to do the rest. As an excellent beginner coral, acanthophyllia is a great starting point for the new aquarist or a superb burst of color for our more experienced customers. Speaking of color, every acanthophyllia for sale in our shop is part of our WYSIWYG coral collection, meaning you'll be able to receive the exact specimen you see on our site to perfectly plan out your tank's color coordination. If you want more tips for taking care of your acan coral, check out our process page. Or feel free to contact us. Our team of experts is always happy to help.